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Math at Archer

At Archer, confidence and success in math are directly proportional. When students think that they can, they do. When students receive a strong foundation and believe in themselves, they are successful. When students develop personal connections to mathematics, they become open-minded, creative problem solvers. How do we empower girls to excel in math? We build confidence!

  • Our integrated mathematics curriculum provides students with the opportunity to study all strands of mathematics in a connected approach and see the dynamic relationship between algebra, geometry, statistics, and probability.

  • Classrooms are active learning centers where students are encouraged to use multiple methods for problem solving.

  • We make lessons more approachable and promote student inquiry by utilizing examples with real-world applications.

  • Teachers use cooperative rather than competitive learning, and we support each other through collaboration.

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Highlight from Archer Math 2021-2022

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Chess Team Competes in All-Girls National Championship Tournament

Eight members of Archer's Chess Team, which launched in the 2021-2022 school year, competed in the All-Girls National Chess Tournament in Chicago in the Spring of 2022.


The team played hard and continued to improve throughout, with Coach Stallings calling the tournament an “incontrovertible success.” Congratulations to Margaret M. '23, Mia M. ’23, Liora G. ’24, Alondra A. ’24, Guinevere H. ’24, Julia S. ’26, Marlowe K. ’27, and Maya H. ’27 on a successful competition. The team is looking forward to returning to the tournament in 2023.

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