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Science at Archer

At Archer, we believe that science is for everyone, not just a select few. All girls are engaged in a rigorous curriculum that provides a deliberate balance between cultivating scientific literacy and encouraging innovation. We prepare every Archer graduate to question, test, and analyze a problem in order to explore feasible solutions and critically assess others' scientific research.

We engage students in science with a lab-based curriculum that enhances learning through direct inquiry and discovery that creates deep and meaningful learning opportunities. Our students explore real-world problems in hands-on activities involving advanced laboratory techniques, scientific data analysis, and deep conceptual investigation.

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Highlights from Archer Science 2021-2022


Record Number of Archer Students Earn Recognition at L.A. County Science and Engineering Fair

Our full list of Archer students who received recognition at the L.A. County Science and Engineering Fair in the 2021-2022 schools Year:

  • Middle School:

    • Sasha C.-P. ’26, Darian W. ’26, Wynter P. ’26: 3rd place in Microbiology

    • Claire D. ’26: 1st Place in Environmental Management 

    • Zoe K. ’26: 2nd Place in Ecology 

    • Lucy K. ’26: Special Award - The Office of Naval Research Naval Science Award

    • Ava M. ’26, Saskia S. ’26, and Natalie L. ’26: 1st Place in Pharmacology

    • Sheila M. ’27: Honorable Mention in Behavioral/Social Sciences 

    • Layla N. ’26: Honorable Mention in Microbiology 

    • Josie W. ’26: 

      • 1st Place in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

      • Sweepstakes Finalist: One of the top 15 projects in the entire Junior Division

  • Upper School: 

    • Anna E. ’24: 3rd Place in Animal Biology

    • Bess F. ’22: 2nd Place in Environmental Management

    • Meera M. ’23: 3rd Place in Ecology

    • Delara T. ’23: 1st Place in Behavioral/Social Sciences 

    • Lacey T. ’24: Honorable Mention in Pharmacology

    • Special Awards went to:

      • Avery F. ’22: American Meteorological Society Honorable Mention

      • Bess F. ’22: NOAA's Taking the Pulse of the Planet Award

      • Lacey T. ’24: The Office of Naval Research Naval Science Award

      • Meera M. ’23: Stockholm Junior Water Prize- Regional Water Prize Award

      • Meera M. ’23: Greater Los Angeles Teachers Science Association- Darrell Smedley Award


Archer students invent automated sprinkler system to fight wildfires

Archer's InvenTeam was recently featured on KCRW while working on a solution to a real-life problem: how to prevent wildfires from destroying homes. Their project is named Hydra, and is an automated sprinkler system that uses infrared technology to detect embers. The InvenTeam received a $10,000 grant from Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams to continue working on the prototype.


Steven Chiotakis spoke with Engineering and Design Coordinator Mike Carter and the InvenTeam's Computer Aided Design Lead Karen G. '23 for KCRW's Greater L.A. 


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